Baptist Health South Florida
Watch Now: South Miami Grey Ghosts Sign Concussion
October 13th, 2014 by Emilio Marrero
Members of the South Miami Grey Ghosts unlimited weight class (ages 11-14) football team have signed a pledge to be responsible when it comes to head injuries. The players, accompanied by their parents and coaches, inked the form that promises that they will not play when injured, that they will report their injuries and that they will look out for injuries in their teammates. The event was held on their home field at Palmer Park.
The ceremony coincided with the presentation of 100 new Riddell Insite football helmets to the Grey Ghost organization by Baptist Health South Florida. The helmets are equipped with special sensors that allow trainers and coaches to know when an impact has occurred and a player should be evaluated on the sideline. Baptist Health performs impact testing on players and the results are used as a baseline to evaluate such injuries when they occur. A concussion is a serious injury that can lead to permanent damage of the brain and even death. Immediate medical attention is essential to evaluate and treat a concussion.